Edição dedicada ao Prof. Donald Rutherford
- Daniel Garber: Donald Rutherford and Leibniz;
- Donald Rutherford: Why the World Is One: Leibniz on the Unity of the Actual World;
- Matteo Favaretti Camposampiero: Leibniz’s Appropriation of Spinoza’s Argument against Mind-Body Causation;
Textos leibnizianos
- Osvaldo Ottaviani and Richard Arthur, eds.: Leibniz’s Ad schedam Hamaxariam: Introduction, Text and Translation
Resenhas de livros
- Aleksandra Horowska: Leibniz: A Contribution to the Archaeology of Power, by S. Connelly;
- Justin J. Daeley.: The Best of All Possible Worlds? Leibniz’s Philosophical Optimism and its Critics 1710–1755, by H. Caro;
- Nabeel Hamid: Leibniz and Kant, by B. Look;
- Stefano Di Bella: Leibniz: Wege zu seiner reifen Metaphysik, by H. Schepers;
- Damian Melamedoff-Vosters: Early Modern German Philosophy: 1690–1755, ed. C. Dyck.
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