The Leibniz Review: sumário da edição 2013


  • Richard T. W. Arthur. Massimo Mugnai and the Study of Leibniz
  • Nicholas Rescher. Leibniz and the English Language
  • Mogens Laerke. Ignorantia inflat Leibniz, Huet, and the Critique of the Cartesian Spirit
  • Julia Jorati. Monadic Teleology without Goodness and without God
  • Larry M. Jorgensen. By Leaps and Bounds: Leibniz on Transcreation, Motion, and the Generation of Minds

Textos leibnizianos

Richard T. W. Arthur. Leibniz’s Mechanical Principles (c. 1676): Commentary and Translation

Resenhas de livros

  • Sarah Tietz. Divine Machines: Leibniz and the Sciences of Life, by Justin E. H. Justin
  • Justin E. H. Smith. Reply to Sarah Tietz
  • Irena Backus. Leibniz als Sammler und Herausgeber historischer Quellen. Ed. N. Gadeke
  • Patrick Riley. Bruckenschlage: Daniel Ernst Jablonski im Europa der Fruhaufklarung. Ed. H. Rudolph
  • Patrick Riley. G. W. Leibniz, Samtliche Schriften und Briefe. Reihe I, Allgemeiner Politischer und Historischer Briefwechsel, Band 23 (January-December 1704)
  • Stephen Puryear. The Lebniz-De Volder Correspondence, with Selections from the Correspondence Between Leibniz and Johann Bernoulli. Ed. P. Lodge
  • Samuel Levey. Leibniz, God and Necessity, by Michael Griffin
  • Colin Marshall. Spinoza’s Metaphysics: Substance and Thought, by Yitzhak Melamed
  • Martin Lin. Spinoza’s Metaphysics: Substance and Thought
  • Yitzhak Melamed. Reply to Colin Marshall and Martin Lin

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