The Leibniz Review: sumário da edição 2012


  • Daniel Garber: Robert Merrihew Adams and Leibniz
  • Giovanni Merlo: Complexity, Existence and Infinite Analysis
  • Alison Peterman: Spinoza on the “Principles of Natural Things”
  • Irena Backus: The Mature Leibniz on Predestination
  • Samuel Levey: On Unity, Borrowed Reality and Multitude in Leibniz

Textos leibnizianos

Gonzalo Rodrigues-Pereyra: Leibniz’s Argument for the Identity of Indiscernibles in his Letter to Casati
(with Transcription and Translation)

Resenhas de livros

  • Mogens Laerke: Locke et Leibniz. Deux styles de rationalité. Ed. M. de Gaudemar and P. Hamou.
  • Mogens Laerke: L’Idée de théodicée de Leibniz à Kant: héritage, transformations, critiques. Ed. P. Rateau.
  • Marine Picon: Lectures et interprétations des Essais de Théodicée de G. W. Leibniz. Ed. P. Rateau.
  • Ohad Nachtomy: Nicolas de Cues et G. W. Leibniz: Infini, Expression et Singularité.
    Ed. A.-L. Rey et F. Vengeon.
  • Anne-Lise Rey: Reply to Ohad Nachtomy.
  • Paul Lodge: Leibniz and the Two Sophies: The Philosophical Correspondence. Ed. and Trad. L. Strickland
  • Patrick Riley: G. W. Leibniz, Academy Editions, Reihe I, Allgemeiner Politischer und Historischer Briefwechsel, Band 22 (January-December 1703)
  • Adrian Nita: Time as a Condition of Possibility: Reply to Michael Futch

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